Lisp reference

When you are using BetterWMF through the ARX option you can also operate BetterWMF through a variety of lisp functions.

The new Lisp functions make it possible to use BetterWMF in a Lisp program. They are:

Lisp functionDescription
bwmfversion Check the version of BetterWMF.
bwmfout Create a WMF-file.
bcopyclip Create a picture on the clipboard.
bpswmfout In TILEMODE 0, create a WMF-file containing paperspace AND all viewports.
bpscopyclip In TILEMODE 0, create a picture on the clipboard containing paperspace AND all viewports.
bwmfsetoption Modify the BetterWMF options without user interaction.
bwmfloadoptions Load all options from a BW3 file.
bwmfsaveoptions Save all options to a BW3 file.

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