Lisp: bwmfsetoption
Modifies the BetterWMF options without user interaction.
(bwmfsetoption optionname value)
A string naming an option that can be set.
Depending on the option this value is a string, an integer or a floating point value.
Return values
If successful, bwmfsetoption returns value.
Set the linewidth for all lines to 0.01 inch.
Command: (bwmfsetoption "linewidth" 0.01) 0.01
Special Notes
Each option corresponds to a field in the picture options dialog, the advanced options dialog or the user preferences dialog.
The following options can be set through lisp:
Option name | Type | Description |
REMOVEBACKGROUND | 0 or 1 | Leave the background color unmodified or remove it. Example: (bwmfsetoption "removebackground" 1) |
CROP | 0 or 1 | Leave the WMF picture unmodified or crop it to the extent of the entities. Example: (bwmfsetoption "crop" 1) |
LEAVEMARGIN | 0 or 1 | Don't add a margin around the cropped picture or add a small margin. This may prevent loss of lines on the edge of the picture. Example: (bwmfsetoption "leavemargin" 1) |
MARGIN | Real | Specify the margin as a percentage that is added to the size of the picture. The value must lie between 0.0 and 5.0. This setting is only used when LEAVEMARGIN=1. Example: (bwmfsetoption "margin" 0.5) |
TILEMODE | 0 or 1 | When AutoCAD is in TILEMODE 0 export both Paperspace AND all viewports. Example: (bwmfsetoption "tilemode" 1) |
PAPERLAST | 0 or 1 | Export paperspace after viewports when merging them. Example: (bwmfsetoption "paperlast" 1) |
MAKEBLACK | 0 or 1 | Leave the line colors unmodified or make them all black. Example: (bwmfsetoption "makeblack" 1) |
LINEOPTIONS | Integer | 0=Width unmodified (thin lines) (1 is not used) 2=Fixed linewidth 3=Advanced. Example: (bwmfsetoption "lineoptions" 2) |
FIXEDWIDTH | Real | Fixed line width in inches. This setting is only used when LINEOPTIONS=2. Example: (bwmfsetoption "linewidth" 0.01) |
FILLEDOPTIONS | Integer | 0=None 2=Make all black 3=Advanced Example: (bwmfsetoption "filledoptions" 2) |
ROTATION | Integer | Angle to rotate the picture. Valid angles are 0, 90, 180 and 270. Example: (bwmfsetoption "rotation" 90) |
WIDTHOPTIONS | Integer | 0=Percentage 1=Fixed width 2=Fixed height 3=Scaled WMF to drawing units Example: (bwmfsetoption "widthoptions" 1) |
PERCENTAGE | Real | Percentage to enlarge or shrink the picture. This setting is only used when WIDTHOPTIONS=0. Example: (bwmfsetoption "percentage" 100.0) |
PICTUREWIDTH | Real | Width in inches to scale the resulting picture to. This setting is only used when WIDTHOPTIONS=1. Example: (bwmfsetoption "picturewidth" 5.00) |
PICTUREHEIGHT | Real | Height in inches to scale the resulting picture to. This setting is only used when WIDTHOPTIONS=2. Example: (bwmfsetoption "pictureheight" 4.00) |
WMFSCALE | Real | Number of cm./inches to produce for the amount of drawings units specified with DrawingScale. This setting is only used when WIDTHOPTIONS=3. Example: (bwmfsetoption "wmfscale" 10.0) |
DRAWINGSCALE | Real | Number of drawings units to produce for the amount of cm./inches specified with WMFScale. This setting is only used when WIDTHOPTIONS=3. Example: (bwmfsetoption "drawingscale" 4.00) |
WHITEBLACK | 0 or 1 | If set, makes white lines black when removing the background. Example: (bwmfsetoption "whiteblack" 1) |
ISMETRIC | 0 or 1 | Specify units in inches or in cm and mm. Example: (bwmfsetoption "ismetric" 0) |
TOOLTIP | 0 or 1 | If set, shows the small ToolTip after BetterWMF has modified the picture on the clipboard. Example: (bwmfsetoption "tooltip" 1) |
STARTWITHOPTIONS | 0 or 1 | If set, shows the options dialog at startup of Bclipbrd.exe. Example: (bwmfsetoption "startwithoptions" 1) |
POPUPSAVEAS | 0 or 1 | If set, popup the SaveAs dialog after BetterWMF has modified the picture on the clipboard. Example: (bwmfsetoption "popupsaveas" 1) |
REPLACECOPYCLIP | 0 or 1 | If set, replace AutoCAD command COPYCLIP by BCOPYCLIP. Example: (bwmfsetoption "replacecopyclip" 1) |
ASKTILEMODE | 0 or 1 | If set, ask about exporting both paperspace AND all viewports when AutoCAD is in TILEMODE 0. Example: (bwmfsetoption "asktilemode" 1) |
AUTOMODIFY | Integer | 0=Modify clipboard WMF picture on command only 1=Autodetect, modify when AutoCAD WMF picture 2=Autodetect, modify most types of WMF pictures 3=Autodetect, modify all WMF pictures Example: (bwmfsetoption "automodify" 1) |
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