Lisp: bcopyclip


Creates a picture on the Windows Clipboard from within lisp without user interaction.

(bcopyclip ss)


A selection set.

Return values

T on success or nil otherwise.


In the following example, a better WMF picture is placed on the clipboard:

Command: (bcopyclip (ssget "X"))

Special Notes

  • Although (ssget "X") retrieves all entities, only lines that are actually visible on the screen will be included on the clipboard.
  • It might seem you could also use
    (command "BCOPYCLIP" "all" "")
    to automate creation of clipboard pictures. Unfortunately due to some strange AutoCAD behavior, this will cause a 'Incorrect data for command list request' error message by AutoCAD. Therefore, for automated output, use the lisp function (bcopyclip).

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